[T.E.L.L. Summary] Open Spaces@UBC

Another successful T.E.L.L. Tuesdays with ETUG Lunch n’ Learn took place Feb 28 and was attended by 26 people. Lucas Wright and Emily Renoe, Learning Technology Specialists at  UBC’s CTLT shared with us the ways WordPress MU can be used for personal, community and course spaces in teaching and learning. Lucas and Emily gave us a great overview of WordPress and showed us some interesting examples on how it is used by faculty, staff and students at UBC. In addition, Lucas and Emily shared how they approach training and support of WordPress at UBC using the Sections framework for technology planning and integration. In all, we learned a lot in just under an hour! Check out the recording and other resources.
Session recording:
Recording no longer available.

T.E.L.L.: Open Spaces@UBC

View more PowerPoint from BCcampus

SECTIONS framework and planning tool for the selection and support of technology for teaching and learning: http://wiki.ubc.ca/images/1/19/SECTIONS_Framework.pdf
For more great stuff from UBC, check out their wiki with extensive information and tips on WordPress. Go to http://wiki.ubc.ca/Documentation:WordPress_Basics
The next session is Tuesday March 27 on  “The Hybrid Course: a new breed of Animal?”,  Noon – 1 pm, facilitated by Gina Bennett, College of the Rockies.
Interested in facilitating a T.E.L.L. Tuesdays with ETUG Lunch n’ Learn? If so, get in touch! Email:leva.lee@bccampus.ca