How are you helping faculty and staff cope with copyright and use open resources?

Copyright has always been a major concern for higher education institutions, but recent (and ongoing) changes to copyright legislation, licensing agreements and the general disruption of digital networks, experienced across all sectors, has made it an even more difficult landscape for faculty and staff to navigate.

yesnomagnifyingBCcampus is looking at this as an area to work with institutions, but before we start creating something new, we thought it a good idea to find out what activities are already under way on campuses around BC, and also what kind of additional support would be most welcome.

Please take a few moments to fill out the short form below. Not only will it help inform our efforts, but it will help to jumpstart a collection of examples from peer institutions in B.C. that we will share once we’ve had a chance to digest the submissions.

If you have any questions or want to discuss other ideas on how best to help faculty and staff cope with this complex landscape, please feel free to contact Scott Leslie, BCcampus Client Service Manager for Open Education at 250-415-3490 or