Festival Update: Registration is open and the schedule is live

The Festival of Learning registration is now open and the schedule is live!  Register today and start planning out which sessions and workshops you’d like to attend.

Festival of Learning

Please note that the schedule will continue to change and grow as we add new sessions, workshops and events. After the Calls for Proposals close on March 14, we will be finalizing the schedule, so check back in the coming days to see what’s new.

Registration is now open

Sign up for one, two, three or all four days and create your own customized schedule of integrated learning experiences.

The Festival will be located at the Delta Burnaby Hotel & Conference Centre and at BCIT in Burnaby from June 6-9, 2016. Please be sure to book your accommodation today and take advantage of the special Festival rate.

The Schedule is now live

We have a number of high interest and exciting learning formats like intensives, studios, showcases and slams. The schedule is still emerging while the Calls for Proposals are open, but just to give you a sense of what to expect, there will be over 125 Open Education, Scholarly Inquiry into Teaching and Learning, and Educational Technology Users Group (ETUG) sessions, 10+ workshops, 20+ mini sessions, 4 Informal learning events (ongoing throughout Festival), and if that’s not enough, there will also be nightly social events to give you time to network and connect. 

The deadline for Festival Calls for Proposals is nearing

Don’t miss the fantastic opportunity to be a part of this exciting four-day festival experience by signing up to present.

The Festival of Learning is currently welcoming Calls for Proposals under the following broad themes, with the deadline for proposal being March 14, 2016:

Possible topics: Open Pedagogy, Adopting & Adapting Open Educational Resources, Faculty and Student perspectives, Open Education and Libraries, Institutional Initiatives, etc.

Submit a proposal

Possible topics: “Studio” is about collaboration, interactivity, hands-on, design, and making.  Come present, teach, collaborate, and share your studios or studio experiences with the ETUG community.

Submit a proposal

Possible topics include:

Strand A: Scholarly Showcase

  • Stream 1: Active and Completed Scholarly Inquiry Projects (1A: 50 minutes OR 1B: 30 minutes)
  • Stream 2: Sharing Successful Teaching Practices (2A: 50 minutes OR 2B: 30 minutes)

Strand B: Research Bites (4 minutes – 4 slides)

Submit a proposal


Don’t forget to join the conversation by using the event hashtag: #FoL16 

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