Status: closed
The purpose of this call for proposals is to identify an individual to carry out an environmental scan of existing sexualized violence resources that support graduate-level students in B.C. post-secondary institutions and to identify gaps that exist. This includes resources for administrators, staff, and faculty who work with graduate-level students and resources specifically for graduate-level students. The finished report and presentation of the environmental scan will be openly licensed and posted publicly.
In partnership with Women and Gender Equality Canada and the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, BCcampus is providing project management on a new sexualized violence project that focuses on the impacts of sexualized violence on specific student populations, including Indigenous students, international students, and graduate students. These resources will be fundamental for incorporating a gender-based analysis (GBA+) lens in responding to sexualized violence, taking into consideration how intersecting variables of oppression impact risk of sexualized violence as well as barriers to reporting, access to resources, and overall individual experiences with systems (e.g., legal and/or institutional). These resources will help post-secondary institutions identify ways to support student populations, address systemic barriers, and develop a comprehensive response to sexualized violence that uses an intersectional approach in its application.
Another identified resource gap is specific to technology-facilitated sexualized violence (TFSV), which recognizes sexualized violence is not limited to in-person contact but can be facilitated through technological means, including, but not limited to, cellular devices, computers, gaming platforms, and learning management systems. The shift to online learning and socializing accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic increased the need to recognize TFSV and support institutions in developing appropriate resources to support individuals impacted by it. The intersectional dimensions of sexualized violence outlined above apply as readily to TFSV as to other forms of sexualized violence and will be fundamental to the development of these resources.
The environmental scan should focus on the identification of and details about existing sexualized violence training resources to support graduate-level students in B.C. However, other intersections should be considered when conducting this scan, including Indigenous, international, disability, rural context, technology, and 2SLGBTQQIA+. The guiding principles for this project should be used in the design, collection, analysis, and reporting of the details of the environmental scan. The scope of the scan should include the Possibility Seeds Courage to Act project and Students for Consent Culture. Another outcome of the environmental scan is to identify gaps that exist in the B.C. post-secondary sector.
Out of Scope: To obtain copies of the identified trainings and executing an in-depth evaluation of the trainings aside from gathering the data indicated in Appendix A through interviews and research.
- Identify contacts to interview at the 25 B.C. public post-secondary institutions.
- Identify any organizations outside the B.C. post-secondary sector who are leaders in this area for potential interview/inclusion in the environmental scan.
- Using the table in Appendix A, gather data on existing resources through interviews, websites, and search tools.
- Include an intersectional approach when collecting data on existing graduate-level resources.
- Create and copyedit a final report on your findings, which should include an executive summary, completed data table (Appendix A), gap analysis, and recommendations. This report needs to include a Creative Commons CC BY license.
- Prepare and present findings to the Intersectional Sexualized Violence Advisory Group two weeks after submission of the final environmental scan.
Proposed Time Line
Time line for submission:
- Submit proposal by November 30th, 2022.
- Grant will be awarded on December 15th, 2022.
Time line for work related to this call for proposals:
- Progress report due by January 31st, 2023.
- Finished product due by February 28th, 2023.
- Present to Intersectional Sexualized Violence Advisory Group on March 16th, 2023.
Grant Funds
The one-time $5000.00 grant is GST inclusive. Final payment upon completion of all deliverables.
Please submit your proposal along with your résumé to Any questions about this call for proposals can be addressed to the same.
Proposal Evaluation Criteria
The following criteria will guide the evaluation and selection of the successful proposal.
- Ability to place yourself in this focus area; lived experience and/or education/professional experience
- Ability to identify relevant post-secondary institutions and community leaders in this area
- Ability to list other intersections that should be considered when looking at existing sexualized violence training resources to support graduate-level students
- Methodology to carry out deliverables on time and on budget
- Clearly articulated project steps and milestones that are reasonable for effort noted
- Clearly stated understanding of deliverables and the intention of the project
- Demonstrated understanding of the guiding principles for the project and how they will inform the scan
Appendix A
ISV Training Resources_Appendix A_Grad Student_V2.xlsx
This project is funded or supported through Women and Gender Equality Canada’s Women’s Program.