We have tried to anticipate any questions you may have about the Open Textbook Project Phase 2 Call for Propoasals. If you have a question that isn’t answered on this web site, please email it to open@bccampus.ca.

Q1: I don’t know what kind of textbook you are looking to have created because the subject areas are too broad.

A: We kept the subjects broad because we wanted to ensure the subjects chosen were taught in the largest number of B.C. post-secondary institutions. We are looking for texts that fit into those subject areas and would be of value to the largest number of students. For example, in the category of Year One Geography, a text that addresses a subject that is taught across many institutions would be more useful to the system than one which is only taught at one or two institutions.

Q2: I have found a textbook for a subject that’s not on the list. Can I submit a proposal to adapt that one instead?

A: At this time, we are only funding textbooks that fall into those subject areas on the list.

Q3: Why must my work have a Creative Commons License?

A: Our project is committed to openly licensing the works that are produced so that the largest number of students is able to benefit from them.

Q4: Do I retain copyright to my work? Will I get credited for it?

A: Yes, you will retain copyright to your work, however as part of the contract between you and the Open Textbook Project, you will be required to issue a Creative Commons reuse license (see Q3) which enables the four R’s of openness, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute. You will be credited for your work, as per the attribution terms of the Creative Commons reuse license.

Q5: Am I required to use the open textbooks for classes I teach?

A: Yes, we are looking for instructors who are willing to adopt the textbook on which they work.

Q6: What if I don’t get my adaptation done in time?

A: Because we have made commitments to the public with respect to the delivery of the textbooks, we will only be funding projects that are completed on time. That said, there are always extenuating circumstances and we are willing to provide some flexibility in those cases.

Q7: If my proposal is accepted and I complete the work, how will I know if people are using my textbook?

A: BCcampus is tracking adoption of the textbooks and we would be able to provide any information we can gather back to the instructor who worked on the adaptation.

If you have any further questions, please email them to open@bccampus.ca.