Are you around high-school aged or do you have a high school-aged daughter, son, relative, friend, or neighbour?
BCcampus is conducting usability testing of in mid-January, allowing us to make improvements. We are recruiting five “typical” ApplyBC users to observe how they interact with our site.
We are looking for high school students, or recent grads, who:
- are thinking about applying to post secondary schools here in B.C.
- have not used ApplyBC before
- preferably have their own laptop
- are living in the Vancouver area
- are available during the week of January 16-20, 2012, between 10 AM and 3 PM.
Each will receive a $50 Amazon gift certificate for coming to our downtown Vancouver office one day during the week, for approximately one hour, to help us test
During the session, we will record them as they complete the application form. We’ll also ask for their general impressions and ask them to rate the site for its ease of use. This will help us identify any form elements or content that cause difficulties or are counter-intuitive to new applicants.
Please contact Dave Dumaresq to book a testing time: 604-412-7738 or ddumaresq [at]