When: 19 June, 2013 10:00 a.m. PDT
Where: Adobe Connect
Who: Clint Lalonde
There is a trend in many things to go “open” – open source software, open learning, and even open education resources, textbooks, and courseware. In this month’s webinar, we are excited to feature Clint Lalonde of BCcampus. He is managing a BCcampus project to have 40 free and openly licensed textbooks for the most common first and second year post-secondary courses. This free “half hour how to Moodle” webinar will cover:
- What is the value of “open”?
- Where we can find open education resources?
- Details of BCcampus’ open textbook project.
- Examples of Moodle using open resources.
- How-to implement open resources in Moodle