A quick look at the upcoming Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education conference, scheduled for June in Vancouver, B.C.

Hosted by Simon Fraser University and the University of British Columbia, the 35th annual Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) conference in Vancouver is bringing together over 500 participants in June, providing educators throughout the province and across the country the ability to advance the quality of teaching and learning in post-secondary environments.
The conference features over 250 sessions and posters, not including the pre-conference workshops, and the theme of the conference is Achieving Harmony: Tuning into Practice.
The conference organizers specifically opted for a single venue to provide increased opportunities for participants to engage with each other. Previous events, especially those hosted by different institutions, have had multiple locations.
“We’re expecting to have 12 concurrent sessions over the 2.5 days – a considerable number of educators sharing their experiences and expertise,” said Stephanie Chu, Director of the Teaching and Learning Centre at Simon Fraser. “The conference is an excellent way for educators to network, gain new ideas, and expand and renew their practice.”
Proposal submitters will be alerted soon, and early bird rates are available until April 30. Early bird student registrants are eligible to apply for a bursary from the STLHE Bursary Fund.
Program Schedule
The program schedule includes a wide variety of topics, including team-based learning, integrated approaches to educational development, TA competencies, course design, roundtables, workshops, and more.
The keynote presenters are Dr. L. Dee Fink, who will be leading the discussion on “Five High Impact Teaching Practices,” and Dr. Marsha Lovett, who will generate dialogue on “Applying Principles of Learning to Teaching – With or Without Technology.”
Event Details
- June 16 – 19, 2015
- Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver, B.C.
- Register Now
The Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
The STLHE is a Canadian organization, based out Hamilton, Ontario, with ongoing strategic initiatives that include:
- Advancing the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education
- Providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information on post-secondary teaching and learning
- Celebrating teaching excellence and education leadership
- Contributing to the professional development of its members
The vision for STLHE is “to be the pre-eminent national voice, and a world leader, for enhancing teaching and learning in higher education. The Society supports research, its dissemination, increased awareness, and application of research through scholarly teaching and learning.”
Notable Quotes
“We are proud to provide sponsorship to the STLHE team for this advanced education conference, facilitating opportunities for educators throughout the province and across the country to engage with each other, generating new ideas and sharing successes. We’ve found the previous iterations of this conference to be rich with opportunities and personalities, and we’re looking forward to meeting new colleagues and reconnecting with others at this event in June.” ~Mary Burgess, Acting Executive Director at BCcampus
Learn More
- Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- STLHE 2015: Vancouver
- Conference Registration
- Conference Volunteer Application
- Tourism Vancouver
Downtown Vancouver Sunset by Magnus Larsson is used under a CC-BY-SA 2.0 license.