Students as Partners in Institutional OER Development Grants at UNBC
Presenter: Grant Potter, University of Northern British Columbia
Originally recorded: March 29, 2017
Video no longer available
This is #3 in a series of webinars – Open Education Stories from across B.C.
Presentation Description:
In 2016, UNBC began offering OER Development Grants to faculty enabling them to employ a student in project-based research to review, revise, and adopt OER for UNBC courses.
The objectives of the program:
- Increased opportunities for students to engage in project-based research with a faculty member
- Supported faculty members in the review, revision, and adoption of open textbooks and other OER materials
- Increased use of OER at UNBC
- Curation and customization of OER that will be freely and openly shared throughout and beyond UNBC
- Impact on student experience, including high-quality materials, maximum access, open and innovative pedagogy, and cost savings to students
- Active engagement of students with faculty in the adaptation/adoption of open educational resources (OER)
- Plans to re-use open resources in this or related courses in subsequent semesters
The seminar will provide some context and background on the type of projects underway at UNBC.
View other webinars in the series:
#1 Faculty Experiences Adopting Openness as a Core Value – Elizabeth Childs, Royal Royals University
#2 Faculty and Students working together to create OER: the Open Case Studies Project at UBC– Christina Hendricks, University of British Columbia
Join us for the Open Textbook Summit, May 24-25, 2017 in Vancouver, B.C.
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