Over the years, individuals from institutions and organizations across British Columbia have taken Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) to the next level by participating in the Facilitator Development/Mentorship program and co-facilitating one or more of the FLO courses. If you are thinking about adopting FLO courses at your institution, these are the people who can help!

What got you started on this path to becoming a FLO facilitator and mentor?
I had been teaching communication courses online at Yukon College for a few years, and I wanted to connect with and learn from other online instructors. I missed the collegial connectivity and peer support network that seemed so much easier to build in face-to-face teaching. After clicking on a link in a BCcampus newsletter, I stumbled across the FLO community. It was wonderful! I quickly connected with other online facilitators, completed FLO Facilitator Development (FDO), and participated in several FLO MicroCourses.
What experience and expertise do you bring to this new support role of helping others to adopt and/or facilitate FLO courses?
I’ve been teaching in (first) physical and (now) digital classrooms for about eighteen years. Currently, at Yukon College, I teach face-to-face and online communication classes and support faculty as part of the Teaching and Learning team. After co-developing and co-facilitating a FLO MicroCourse through BCcampus (“Experience and design a community building activity”), I co-facilitated the same course through Yukon College’s learning management system. I’d be happy to chat with folks about finding and supporting the online teaching and learning community, and about adopting FLO at their own institutions. It is a privilege to be part of this growing and supportive community.
How can people contact you?
Please reach out by email at cgrandy@yukoncollege.yk.ca.