Status: closed

Deadline for submissions: Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Event dates: Thursday to Friday, November 24–25, 2022
Hybrid event: On location at BCIT’s Downtown Campus and virtual
The Trades Summit Series invites you to share your ideas, experiments, and current practices for how trades instructors and vocational education faculty are strengthening teaching and learning within the trades and vocational education and training (TVET) sector.
For more information about this event, visit the Trades Summit Series event page.
Submit your proposal
Conference Theme and Format
- Theme: Strengthening Teaching and Learning for the Future
- Keynotes and further schedule details TBA
Submit a presentation, panel discussion, or appreciative inquiry session proposal. This is a great opportunity to connect, share, learn, and network with some of your trades and vocational colleagues throughout the summit.
Presentation Tracks
- Training faculty in the use of synchronous and asynchronous instruction
- Examines how faculty may benefit from training in the use of both face-to-face and online instruction. What worked, what didn’t work, and what is the influence of good design?
- Efficacy of synchronous and asynchronous methods in TVET
- Examines the varying degrees and levels of success of using these methods for TVET, the frustrations that occurred, and what can be learned from those frustrations.
- Integrations of digital literacy and fluency into TVET curriculum
- Examines the reality gap between perceived and actual digital literacy and fluency. What strategies, if any, were used to close the gap for faculty and apprentices?
- TVET student experience with online, hybrid, or HyFlex learning
- Examines how the apprentice’s voice and input have impacted the design and/or delivery of TVET content.
- Supporting TVET faculty in a digital environment
- Examines the connection between TVET faculty champions who created resources and/or help for colleagues while being supported by their institutions.
- Institutional support for TVET faculty and apprentices in the use of technological tools
- Examines the connection between learning and teaching centres, TVET faculty, and apprentices. What kind of support mechanisms were created and employed?
- Integration of open educational resources (OER) or open pedagogy (OP) into TVET curriculum and instruction
- Examines different resources created for OER and/or OP and their impact on teaching and learning.
- Development and adoption of a curriculum standard among TVET institutions
- Examines the benefits and challenges for the development and adoption of standardized training resources for institutions and apprentices.
Proposal Criteria and Submission Process
Reviewers use the following criteria when evaluating submissions:
- Relevance: The topic is relevant to TVET education and contributes to effective practices in the field.
- Coverage: The topic is clearly described, and the session covers the topic adequately.
- Innovation: The topic has innovative concepts.
- Takeaways: The session includes key takeaways for participants.
- Improved processes and best practices: The session could help improve processes and/or best practices in the field.
- Knowledge: The speaker or speakers appear to have sufficient knowledge and expertise to address the topic.
Step 1: Identify the track your session will address:
- Training of faculty in the use of synchronous and asynchronous instruction
- Efficacy of synchronous and asynchronous methods in TVET
- Integrations of digital literacy and fluency into TVET curriculum
- TVET student experience with online, hybrid, or HyFlex learning
- Supporting TVET faculty in a digital environment
- Institutional support for TVET faculty and apprentices in the use of technological tools
- Integration of open educational resources (OER) or open pedagogy (OP) into TVET curriculum and instruction
- Development and adoption of a curriculum standard among TVET institutions
Step 2: Identify the type of session you are proposing:
- Presentation: One or two presenters discuss a topic (25 minutes).
- Panel Presentation: Two to four individuals address a topic from multiple perspectives. Inter-institutional panels are encouraged (55 minutes).
- May combine up to four similar proposals into one themed panel, with 15-minute individual presentations, a break, and a 25-minute follow-up panel (90 minutes).
- Appreciative Inquiry Forum: One to three presenters guide participants in an open forum using appreciative inquiry principles to address catalysts for change in one of the presentation tracks (55 minutes).
Step 3: Prepare your proposal
Prepare the following components of your session proposal in a neatly formatted email attachment:
- Identify: Choose which delivery method you want to use for your presentation:
- In-person
- Virtual — live
- Virtual — pre-recorded
- Title: Select a title of up to 125 characters
- Abstract: Briefly describe in 50 words or less the topic you plan to present or discuss. This abstract will be used in the conference program.
- Session Objectives: List one to three learning objectives for attendees participating in your session.
- Session Description: In 250 words or less, summarize what you plan to cover and how you will incorporate attendee participation. Interactive sessions are strongly encouraged, such as using real-time polls, Twitter feeds, small group discussions, etc.
- Target Audience: Indicate the audience you’re gearing the presentation toward and their level of experience with open education.
- Roles: Faculty, administrator, librarian, instructional designer, other
- Experience with OER: Novice, intermediate, advanced
- Presenter Bios: Provide a short bio for each presenter (100 words max.).
- Contact Information: Provide the phone number and email address of the lead presenter as well as the contact information of up to three additional presenters.
- Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. PT, Wednesday, October 26, 2022
- Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 3:00 p.m. PT, Friday, October 28, 2022
Send inquiries to