The Safer Campuses for Everyone training is a 75-minute online, self-paced, non-facilitated training developed in an e-learning program called Articulate Rise. Individuals who work in B.C. post-secondary institutions can adapt the course content in the Articulate Rise program and then share the course with learners through a learning management system such as Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, or D2L.
Please ensure that any training you create using these resources is done with a trauma-informed lens to ensure a safe learning experience for participants.

Safer Campuses for Everyone: Implementation Guide
This guide provides information about editing the Safer Campuses for Everyone training in the Articulate Rise program and importing the content into a learning management system.
The below videos, for both the staff and student versions of the Safer Campuses for Everyone training, are provided for those institutions or organizations that would like to build their own course outside of Articulate Rise.
1. Safer Campuses for Everyone Training: Welcome
2. Safer Campuses for Everyone Training: Taking Care of Yourself
3. Safer Campuses for Everyone Training: Taking Action on Sexual Violence
4. Safer Campuses for Everyone Training: What Is Consent?
5. Safer Campuses for Everyone Training: Listen, Believe, Support
6. Safer Campuses for Everyone Training
Preview Training
Request a Copy
Requesting a copy through Articulate 360 allows you to adapt the course before implementing it into your institution’s learning management system. Please fill out this form for a copy of:
Option #1 – Articulate Rise training
To request a copy of this training, please ensure you have an Articulate Rise license in place. This training will be shared through Articulate Rise once we receive a request.
Option #2 – Open-source files
Course outlines, graphics, and videos, for both the staff and student versions of the Safer Campuses for Everyone training, are provided for those institutions or organizations that would like to build their own course outside of Articulate Rise.
Complete form
Note: There are two versions of this training available: for students and for administrators, staff, and faculty. Please complete the following form to request copies.
If you have any questions, please email
This training is © 2021 and licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 License, which means you are free to share (copy, distribute, and transmit) and remix (adapt) this resource provided you attribute the original content creators. You can provide credit by using the attribution statement below.
Safer Campuses for Everyone: Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Training for B.C. Post-Secondary Institutions by the Sexual Violence Training and Development Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.