Beyond the savings

While there are substantial benefits to reducing or eliminating the associated costs of education, especially with open textbooks, the opportunities go far beyond the financial benefits. Open pedagogy and OER-enabled pedagogy (OEP) look at the practices that can be incubated and nurtured when we unlock access to learning, and investigates what students – and instructors – can do with it to improve the overall learning experience and outcomes.

Defining open pedagogy

Michael Paskevicius, Learning Technologies Application Developer at Vancouver Island University (VIU), has created a powerful definition for open pedagogy: “Teaching and learning practices where openness is enacted within all aspects of instructional practice; including the design of learning outcomes, the selection of teaching resources, and the planning of activities and assessment. OEP engages both faculty and students with the use and creation of OER, draws attention to the potential afforded by open licences, facilitates open peer-review, and supports participatory student-directed projects.”

A community of knowledge

We are interested in creating classrooms and learning environments where students can be contributors to the exchange of knowledge.

Join us as we work towards the evolution of open practices, making way for open pedagogy to influence students and learning across the province.