Proudly borrowed from there – OER Forum 2012

Moving to a mindset of “Proudly borrowed from there,” rather than “No thanks, not invented here,” was the lasting message at the BCcampus-hosted forum for B.C. post-secondary and K-12 educators October 18. (We proudly borrowed that phrase from Cable Green, and the graphics from Giulia Forsythe.)

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We have posted video of the keynote address by David Wiley (Brigham Young University), We also have posted the panel discussion featuring: Cable Green (Creative Commons); Alan Davis, (Kwantlen Polytechnic University); and Brian Lamb (Thompson Rivers University). You will also find visual notes by Giulia Forsyth and a list of the media attention surrounding the open textbook announcement. It’s all on our OER Forum Summary page.

In addition, e-learning and distance education blogger and consultant Tony Bates had some detailed questions of his own about the B.C. Open Textbook project. We responded, and he posted the answers on his blog.