This week, the world is celebrating Open Education Week (OEW)! And so are we!
OEW is an annual event that celebrates the open education movement. Since its inception in 2012, this celebration has grown into a truly global movement, and now counts with contributions from nearly 50 different countries and attracts hundreds of participants, from over 130 countries.
Coordinated by the Open Education Consortium, OEW aims to help raise awareness about Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP). During the week-long celebration, learning institutions from all over the world come together to showcase projects, resources and events that demonstrate open education (OE) in practice.
Post-secondary education institutions in British Columbia are proud to host many events as part of this global celebration, as a way to show how they are contributing to making education more open, affordable and accessible to everyone. During the week, these institutions are celebrating the work of many OE heroes, from faculty members to librarians, to administrators and students who are committed to the ideals of open education.
BCcampus is proud to support the work of these institutions and to host a calendar of events that lists events happening across institutions in B.C., some private to the institutions, and some open to the public. Be sure to check it out!
You can also see the plethora of international events that are scheduled all over the world. They are listed by day and grouped into local and online events on the OEW site.
So, this week, celebrate the open movement! Check out some of the events going on, learn something new about “open” and spread the word at your institution.