Over the years individuals from institutions and organizations across B.C. have taken Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) to the next level by participating in the Facilitator Development/Mentorship program and co-facilitating one or more FLO courses. If you are thinking about adopting FLO courses at your institution, these are the people who can help!
What got you started on this path to becoming a FLO facilitator and mentor?

I was first introduced to BCcampus in 2019 when I started working for Coast Mountain College. I love their approach to open education and professional development for faculty in B.C. and beyond. The first FLO course I participated in was on micro-credentials, and I loved the way it focused in on one topic for a short period of time. It was so manageable and flexible. I also love the BCcampus community and have developed many strong professional relationships there. I responded to a call for proposals in 2020 with a proposal to teach on my favourite topic — assessments — and had the great pleasure of teaching that FLO course in 2021 and then again in 2022.
What experience and expertise do you bring to this new support role of helping others to adopt and/or facilitate FLO courses?
My Master of Education is in curriculum and instruction with a strong focus on assessment. I’ve always loved researching and reading and talking about assessment because I believe it has an immensely powerful influence over the learning process. I have taught assessment courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels and have designed and delivered countless workshops on the topic to post-secondary faculty. My doctoral work was on remote education as I tried to address the problem of how to humanize the screen-mediated learning experience. I love designing and facilitating spaces for learning, both in person and online.
How can people contact you?
- Email – nicki.rehn@yahoo.ca
- Twitter – https://twitter.com/nickirehn
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicki-rehn-8309492a
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The featured image for this post (viewable in the BCcampus News section at the bottom of our homepage) is by Lukas