Learning to Facilitate Online

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Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) courses offer engaging learning experiences that explore approaches, understandings, and solutions to help you become an effective online instructor. FLO courses are grounded in research about teaching and learning online and have been designed by experienced learning designers and educators.

Upcoming FLO offerings

  • FLO MicroCourse: Decolonizing Pedagogies – Reframing the Ways We Teach

    September 23, 2024 - September 27, 2024

    Join us for this free one-week Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) MicroCourse offering you opportunities to reframe some of the pedagogical approaches that could be hindering your journey towards reconciliation. Each day will introduce a new approach or resource aimed at weaving Indigenous perspectives into our...

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  • FLO Friday: Mindfully Using Technology in the Classroom

    October 18, 2024 - October 18, 2024

    Join us for this free 1-hour Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) session that will highlight different aspects of being mindful in our selection, utilization, and purpose of bringing technology into the classroom. Topics range from protecting personal information, to providing alternatives if students are uncomfortable sharing...

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  • FLO Friday: SoundWaves in Education - The Art of Teaching Online with Sound

    December 6, 2024 - December 6, 2024

    Join us for this free, 1-hour Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) Friday workshop on how sound can be effectively utilized in an online learning environment. This presentation explores the principles of sonic pedagogy and demonstrates practical applications for online teaching. Participants will gain insights into the...

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  • FLO Friday: A DIY Toolkit for Digital Literacy

    July 26, 2024 - July 26, 2024

    Join us for this exciting one-hour virtual Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) session, offered in partnership with Vancouver Island University (VIU). Jessica Gemella and Anwen Burk are curriculum, teaching, and learning specialists with the Centre for Innovation in Education and Learning (CIEL) at Vancouver Island University (VIU). Responding to faculty requests on how best to use emerging technologies in their...

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  • FLO Friday: What’s So “Safe” About Safe Spaces in Higher Education?

    August 30, 2024 - August 30, 2024

    Educators have described their classes and institutions as “safe spaces” with increasing frequency and certainty since the 1990s. This certainty, implying that a safe space is somehow better for learning outcomes, has been widely adopted with little critical consideration of what it truly means and what is expected when an educational space is labeled “safe”.   Join this free one-hour Facilitating Learning...

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  • FLO Lab: Embedding Principles of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion into Course Design

    February 5, 2025 - February 5, 2025

    Do you want to create a learning environment that considers the diverse lived experiences of your students? In this three-hour Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) Lab session, we will start by exploring current frameworks for course design (such as Universal Design for Learning and quality assurance) and determine what...

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The FLO family of offerings includes:

  1. FLO: Fundamentals – a five-week introduction to online facilitation that explores adult and online learning principles, techniques, and technologies to support student learning and instructor presence, as well as how to deal with common challenges that arise in online courses.
  2. FLO: Synchronous – a three-week immersion into the planning and facilitating of synchronous online sessions. This course will help you deliver better webinars, online office hours, and other online sessions with more confidence and creativity.
  3. FLO: Design – a four-week design course that helps participants develop online course design skills and try new techniques and strategies to create effective, engaging, online learning experiences. This course complements the Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) Fundamentals course which focuses on facilitation skills and strategies.
  4. FLO: MicroCourses – one-week asynchronous emergent courses related to designing and facilitating learning online.
  5. FLO: Labs – Three-hour experiential synchronous workshops with a focus on pedagogy.
  6. FLO: Fridays – One-hour facilitated online synchronous sessions.
  7. FLO Panel – quarterly online gathering and panel discussion on hot and trendy topics impacting the post-secondary educator sector.

Adopting FLO

All FLO course are OERs! Some of the FLO open educational resource courses that might be of interest for adoption are: 

FLO Fundamentals (five weeks), FLO Design (four weeks), FLO Synchronous (three weeks), and a wide range of one-week FLO MicroCourses with topics such as Make Your Course Intro Video, Design with Liberating Structures, and more.

If you’re interested in adopting a FLO course for your needs, contact Helena Prins by email, hprins@bccampus.ca.

Become a FLO Facilitator

If you want to join the family of FLO facilitators, email hprins@bccampus.ca with your ideas.

Join the FLO Community

Do you have a question about FLO or are you looking to engage with the collective wisdom of the FLO community of facilitators? Join FLO Discussions on Mattermost to connect, learn, and share insights!

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