Thinking about FLO?
Faculty should take FLO because it’s a great opportunity to read, reflect, discuss and practice facilitating learning online – in a supportive, collegial, fun environment. [The workshop] is an immersive learning experience. You explore important issues related to the needs of the increasingly diverse learner audience you will be teaching online and you’re constantly observing, discussing and trying different facilitation strategies with your peers. ~SylviaR
Participating in FLO…
I liked learning online mainly because it provided me with the “timely” opportunity to read and write again – something I found I didn’t have much time to do when I was teaching, The FLO facilitators, “the Sylvias” (Currie and Riessner) mentored and modelled the role of online facilitator in such a way that encouraged me to want to learn more about online teaching/learning ~Leonne
Becoming a facilitator…
The FLO/FDO mentoring model for learning to facilitate online makes the learning not only real but realizable. As a teacher, you have the concurrent experience of being a student while also being a teacher. Through your experiences, you will develop an awareness and empathy for the learning challenges and the strategies needed for student success. You may also find one time is just the beginning… ~Leonne
Being a facilitator — always learning…
During the upcoming BCcampus FLO workshop that I’m co-facilitating with Leonne Beebe, I hope to explore different ways to emphasize the importance and critical thinking that is involved in providing truly “constructive” feedback – both through the use of different feedback structures, and by asking good questions to stimulate our participants to embed this approach in their learning and practice. ~SylviaR
The next FLO workshop is September 26 – October 28, 2016. Join us!