The Justice Institute of British Columbia (JIBC) is using Praxis, a new technology that brings real-world situations to life for their students.
Praxis is a web-based simulation tool, which provides participants with the information they would get on the ground if they were actually faced with a crisis situation.
“Whether the simulation scenarios involve emergencies such as earthquakes, collapsed buildings, terrorist attacks, prison riots, chemical spills, or corporate risks, the simulations help participants hone their decision-making skill while gaining valuable experience, under stressful conditions,” says Bob Walker, the JIBC Simulation Specialist. “After learning in a low-risk, simulation environment, participants are rehearsed and better prepared to respond when a real crisis erupts.”
Because it’s a web-based program Praxis is able to deliver interactive and scenario-based training exercises anytime to teams whose members could be anywhere. Instructors and subject matter experts customize simulations so learners are able to experience what they would be faced with in a real-life situation.
How Praxis Works:
Westminster Savings recently used Praxis to develop an earthquake scenario simulation to test their business continuity plan. A member of the Westminster Savings Credit Union Risk Management team worked with Walker to develop a simulation which included a series of mock news stories, a few radio calls from emergency crews on the scene, as well as some emails and phone calls from staff and customers.
In the Westminster Savings earthquake scenario, staff members were shown a newscast that gave an overview of the situation, then asked to decide what to do about it. Some of the initial decisions included: where to set up their emergency response centre, who to contact to get more information, what other information is needed, and how to provide updated information to the people who need it. As the Westminster Savings team were making these decisions, the facilitator gave them new information: a radio announcement that a number of cell towers in the area were down. Staff then had to incorporate the new information into their plans.
While a simulation is running the Praxis system collects data on all decisions and questions that participants make or ask. This data can then be used during debriefing sessions either during a simulation or after it is completed.
For more information on Praxis, check out JIBC.ca or contact the JIBC Simulation Specialist Bob Walker at rwalker@jibc.ca.
Notable fact:
“Praxis” comes from an Ancient Greek word which describes the experience of actually using or practicing a theory or lesson.
Photo courtesy of the JIBC.
Posted by BCcampus Editorial Staff