The British Columbia Early Years Professional Development Web Portal (EYPD) at has recently released new features to make it easier for early years professionals to find and explore learning opportunities that support their unique needs and interests. Visitors to EYPD are encouraged to sign up as Learners or Organizers to maximize the potential benefits of the portal. Such benefits include a personalized learning space called myEYPD that allows registered users to save and keep track of their professional development choices and record the hours they accumulate over time.
Post by Kathreen Riel, Project Manager, Early Years Portal Project

Once a user has logged into EYPD, they can search for training events and click the “Plan to attend” button on the event description page. This saves the selected training event to myEYPD – their customized professional development activity page.
The myEYPD page allows users to save events for future reference, copy training events to their calendar, calculate the professional development hours they obtain upon completion of the training and keep track of certification deadlines.
The EYPD web portal is a pilot project sponsored by The Provincial Office for the Early Years in collaboration with BCcampus. As part of this project, key questions are being explored to inform the design of EYPD in successive stages. These questions include inquiries such as,
- How do we reach and engage a broad spectrum of early years professionals to use EYPD particularly those in remote, rural and Indigenous communities throughout B.C.?
- How do we ensure that posted training events reflect a high standard of quality of professional development?
Each development stage of EYPD relies on feedback from those working in the early years sector as well as an advisory group made up of members representing regional, provincial and federal agencies from the early years sector in B.C.
By following a collaborative design process, new features and functions of EYPD are guided by and evaluated through ongoing communication with the project advisory group and the broader community of early years professionals. To find out more visit and send your feedback and impressions to
Learn more:
- Making professional development accessible for the B.C. early years sector
- BCcampus launches Early Years BC
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Fall ETUG Workshop – Oct 27, 2017
Symposium 2017 – Nov 6, 2017
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