The Path to the Future: Open Homework Systems

Join Douglas College for a virtual session about open homework systems. Two faculty members who use two different open homework systems — H5P and WeBWorK — will talk about how they have integrated these systems into their teaching.

David N. Wright chairs the English department at Douglas College. His presentation will focus on how to get started with the H5P libraries (get in the “H5P kitchen”) and find, borrow, and create H5P content that students can access. Along the way, he’ll talk about integrating H5P content into open textbooks using Pressbooks, how H5P might integrate into Course Management Systems such as Blackboard, and future prospects.

Jennifer Kirkey teaches physics, astronomy, and engineering at Douglas College. Her presentation will discuss WeBWorK, an open-source online homework system that has a shared Open Problem Library and gives students instant feedback. She will describe how she teamed up with an engineering professor and co-op students at the University of British Columbia to create more WeBWorK problems suitable for first- and second-year engineering and physics students.

To register, visit Douglas College event page.


This event is part of Open Education Week (March 7 – 11, 2022)

An annual celebration, Open Education Week (OE Week) is an opportunity for actively sharing and learning about the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide.