Vancouver Liberating Structures User Group Meeting

February 22, 2017 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
BCIT Burnaby
3700 Willingdon
SE12 103 C
Barish Golland, UBC and Leva Lee, BCcampus

What are Liberating Structures?

“Liberating Structures (LS) are a growing collection of group processes and methods that make it easy and quick for members of any group to radically change how they interact and work together. Their purpose is to liberate energy, tap into collective intelligence, stimulate creativity, and get surprisingly better results by engaging people and unleashing the power of self-organization.”

Quoted from: Kimball, Lisa. (2009). Liberating Structures: A New Pattern language for Engagement. [Accesssed January 13, 2018]

Join us for a mini-workshop and meet up to experience and practice Liberating Structures:

  • For newcomers: Introduce Liberating Structures as a way of engaging your students, colleagues, employees and team members in productive, purposeful, inclusive ways.
  • For experienced Liberating Structures facilitators: Explore ways to enhance your repertoire by learning new LS techniques and consider joining the Vancouver LS user group that meets frequently.

See you there!

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