On June 16th, 2011, the BC Post-secondary Application Service (PASBC) is being renamed ApplyBC. We’ve sent the following request to our contacts in all B.C. public post-secondary institutions:
What needs to be done:
We’re asking institutions to change their websites and associated documentation to refer to ApplyBC. Please forward this request to your web site administrators for implementation, as follows:
- Any existing PASBC links in institutions’ websites must be changed to the new url: https://applybc.ca. Please note that there should be no path; the URL must be exactly as shown.
- Please change all text on your web site that refers to the acronym PASBC to ApplyBC.
- If PASBC icons are used on your website, please change to the new ApplyBC icon. (Please contact Bruce Macpherson for new icons.)
We prefer institutions make the change between June 1 and June 16, 2011:
Before June 1, 2011: The URL https://applybc.ca is currently live, and forwards to the existing PASBC site.
June 1st until June 16th: The existing PASBC site and the new ApplyBC site will run in parallel. During this period the URL applybc.ca will access the new ApplyBC site, and the URLs www.pas.bc.ca or portal.bcccampus.ca will continue to access the current PASBC site. It is recommended that institutions update their websites during this period.
June 16th and after: Existing PASBC URLs (www.pas.bc.ca or portal.bcccampus.ca) will forward to the new ApplyBC site. This forwarding will continue until all incoming links have been updated.
If you have any questions please get in touch with Bruce Macpherson, Senior Technical Analyst, 250-405-4010