During the past couple of weeks, we have added the following five new books to the BC Open Textbook Collection.

1) Exploring Movie Construction and Production
Description: Exploring Movie Construction and Production contains eight chapters of the major areas of film construction and production. The discussion covers theme, genre, narrative structure, character portrayal, story, plot, directing style, cinematography, and editing. Important terminology is defined and types of analysis are discussed and demonstrated. An extended example of how a movie description reflects the setting, narrative structure, or directing style is used throughout the book to illustrate building blocks of each theme. This approach to film instruction and analysis has proved beneficial to increasing students’ learning while enhancing the creativity and critical thinking of the student.
Author: John Reich, SUNY Genesee Community College
2) Intermediate Financial Accounting (Volume 1)
Description: This text is intended for the first course in Intermediate Financial Accounting. It presumes that students have already completed one or two Introductory Financial Accounting courses. The book reflects current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), such as IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts With Customers. It focuses on more difficult intermediate accounting topics that match prerequisite requirements for students advancing to a second level Intermediate Financial Accounting course. Advanced topics that are covered in Advanced Financial Accounting courses, such as consolidations and foreign exchange, are not included here. The text is written in an approachable style that focuses on key concepts that will be relevant to students’ future careers as accountants. The book provides a review of Introductory Accounting concepts and covers all topics essential to a first level Intermediate Accounting course: the conceptual framework and current landscape of financial reporting; statements of financial position, comprehensive income, cash flows and shareholders’ equity; cash and receivables; revenue; inventory; property plant and equipment; intangible assets; and intercorporate investments. Author: Glenn Arnold, Suzanne Kyle, Athabasca University, Lyryx Learning Team
3) Intermediate Financial Accounting (Volume 2)
Description: This text is intended to be the second of two in Intermediate Financial Accounting courses. It presumes that students have already completed the Introductory Financial Accounting and the first Intermediate Financing Accounting course. The text reflects both current International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and ASPE. This text covers all topics essential to a second level Intermediate Accounting course: current, long-term and complex liabilities, income taxes, pensions, leases, shareholders’ equity, earnings per share, statement of cash flows including the direct approach, effects of changes and errors, and disclosures and analysis. Topics that are covered in Advanced Financial Accounting courses, such as consolidations and foreign exchange, are not included here. Author: Glenn Arnold, Suzanne Kyle, Athabasca University, Lyryx Learning Team
4) Strategies for Academic Success
Description: Strategies for Academic Success accompanies the first-year University of Saskatchewan College of Arts and Science online course by the same name. However, the information it contains will apply to post-secondary institutions all over. The textbook has a reader-friendly format arranged to help you develop the essential skills and provide the information you need to succeed in university. Author: Liv Marken, University of Saskatchewan
5) The History of Our Tribe: Hominini
Description: Where did we come from? What were our ancestors like? Why do we differ from other animals? How do scientists trace and construct our evolutionary history? The History of Our Tribe: Hominini provides answers to these questions and more. The book explores the field of paleoanthropology past and present. Beginning over 65 million years ago, Welker traces the evolution of our species, the environments and selective forces that shaped our ancestors, their physical and cultural adaptations, and the people and places involved with their discovery and study. It is designed as a textbook for a course on Human Evolution but can also serve as an introductory text for relevant sections of courses in Biological or General Anthropology or general interest. It is both a comprehensive technical reference for relevant terms, theories, methods, and species and an overview of the people, places, and discoveries that have imbued paleoanthropology with such fascination, romance, and mystery. Author: Barbara Helm Welker, SUNY Geneseo
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