Honouring Indigenous Writers

March 7, 2022 – March 22, 2022 all-day

In December 2015 Daniel Heath Justice began a Twitter campaign to share the names of Indigenous writers. The reason for his efforts was to: “…push back against the frequent assumptions that our literary history is any less complex, robust, or diverse than that of other peoples (Daniel Heath Justice, Why Indigenous Literatures Matter?)

In solidarity with his efforts, Honouring Indigenous Writers is a yearly event to increase awareness and coverage of Indigenous literature.

This year the organizing team has put together a schedule of free events and activities designed for virtual participation throughout the month of March 2022. The events include:

These events and activities are free and open to anyone to participate. Please join us at our kickoff event and reading on March 7, 2022 and learn more about the other events we have planned!

For more information and to register for events, visit the HIW website.