Accessibility Bites: Alternative Format Creation
Aug 29 @ 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Accessibility Bites: Alternative Format Creation

Session Description:  

Join us for a short drop-in session to explore how alternative format textbooks and course materials are provided to students. You will also gain valuable tips on how to improve the accessibility of your classroom materials. 


  1. Introduction to the Accessible British Columbia Act and how course materials are addressed in the education standards from other jurisdictions 
  2. Presentation on the accessibility features of alternative format course materials 
  3. Examples of common accessibility issues in course materials and how they cause problems for assistive technologies 
  4. Question and answer period.  

Register Now!

This session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on By participating in this session, you acknowledge you are aware your participation will be recorded and the recording will be openly available.

About the Facilitator

Your Facilitator for this session will be Jennifer Weldon. 

Jennifer (she/her) is the accessibility librarian at the Centre for Accessible Post-secondary Education Resources BC (CAPER-BC). CAPER-BC provides accessible learning and teaching materials to students and instructors at post-secondary institutions in B.C. who cannot use conventional print because of disabilities. Jennifer is responsible for outreach activities, providing accessibility training to faculty at post-secondary institutions, and for overseeing special projects. 

Accessibility Bites: Plain Language
Sep 26 @ 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Accessibility Bites: Plain Language

Session Description:  

Using plain language means communicating so your audience can understand your message the first time they read or hear it. Plain language makes your message accessible, ensuring people can quickly and easily find and use the information they need. This session will be a brief introduction to the principles of plain language writing and design. It will give an overview of what plain language is, why it is important, and suggest some tools and resources to help participants develop their skills. 

Register Now!

This session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on By participating in this session, you acknowledge you are aware your participation will be recorded and the recording will be openly available.

About the Facilitator

Your facilitator for this session will be Melinda Workfolk 

Melinda (she/her) is grateful to live, work, and play on the traditional and unceded territory of the Lheidli T’enneh. She works at the Prince George campus of the College of New Caledonia (CNC) where she teaches Academic Upgrading English and heads the CNC Plain Language Project. She authored the BCcampus open textbook, Plain Language and Design for Post-Secondary. She has taught at CNC for over 20 years and passionately believes plain language communication is a social justice issue. 

Accessibility Bites: Supporting Students who are Blind or with Low Vision
Oct 31 @ 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Accessibility Bites: Supporting Students who are Blind or with Low Vision

Session Description:

This session will provide an overview of alternative techniques, tools, and strategies blind and low vision (B/LV) students use to succeed in their courses. Drawing from his experience as a blind student and the collective knowledge of the B/LV community, the facilitator, Ka Li, will offer practical insights to help make courses more inclusive for B/LV students, with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM).  

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Understand the types of tools, strategies, and alternative techniques B/LV students may use in the classroom 
  • Understand the importance of a collaborative approach. 
  • Come away with resources to learn more about the topics discussed in this session 

Register Now!

This session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on By participating in this session, you acknowledge you are aware your participation will be recorded and the recording will be openly available.

About the Facilitator:

Your facilitator for this session will be Ka Li.   

Ka (he/him/his) is an accessibility consultant focusing on digital access and tactile graphics. He is dedicated to empowering blind and low vision people to use tactile graphics and advocates for their inclusion in novels and leisure activities. Ka strongly believes in universal accessibility, emphasizing STEAM fields where persons with disabilities are underrepresented. Ka recently graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in the Kinesiology and Health Sciences Honours program at York University. In his free time, he enjoys practicing Krav Maga and reading good books. 

Accessibility Bites: Supporting Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Nov 28 @ 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Accessibility Bites: Supporting Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Session Description:

This short drop-in session will help you understand the importance of designing an inclusive and accessible classroom, whether your classroom is face-to-face, online, or a combination. You will gain helpful tips for delivering content in person and for creating accessible videos and audio files.  

By the end of the session, you will: 

  • Express the importance of inclusive and accessible classrooms and materials 
  • Describe how to include and edit captions in Kaltura and YouTube videos 
  • Describe how to create transcripts from Kaltura, YouTube, and Microsoft Word (Office 365)  

Register Now!

This session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on By participating in this session, you acknowledge you are aware your participation will be recorded and the recording will be openly available.

About the Facilitator:

Your facilitator for this session will be Jamie Drozda 

Jamie (she/her) is a coordinator, educational technologies at Thompson Rivers University. She enjoys researching and analyzing the effectiveness of current learning technologies and assessing the challenges in adapting new technologies. Jamie strives to address accessibility, interaction, and assessment issues along with integrating technology with classroom pedagogy. 

Accessibility Bites: PDF Documents
Jan 30 @ 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Accessibility Bites: PDF Documents

Session Description: 

In this session, we will explore how to create and review PDFs for accessibility. The session will reinforce the importance of ensuring documents are accessible before converting them to PDFs and will cover the remediation process. We will also discuss tools that can review PDFs for accessibility and how PDFs can be a barrier to learners. 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Explain elements of Word or PowerPoint documents that can become accessibility barriers 
  • Use Adobe to review PDFs for accessibility 

What to Bring: 

  • A Word or PowerPoint document you wish to make into a PDF, or a PDF file you have already created 


  1. Outlining how to create and review PDFs for accessibility 
  2. Use Word, PowerPoint, or Adobe Acrobat to review the accessibility of files 
  3. Participant questions and next steps 

Register Now!

This session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on By participating in this session, you acknowledge you are aware your participation will be recorded and the recording will be openly available.

About the Facilitator:

Your facilitator for this session will be Ann Gagné 

Ann (she/her) is a queer settler with invisible and dynamic disabilities, passionate about increasing awareness of accessible pedagogy and resources to include disabled learners. She has been working in higher education for almost 20 years.  With an interdisciplinary educational background, Ann has used her training and experience in her roles as an instructional designer, curriculum developer, and educational developer. 

Accessibility Bites: Video Accessibility
Feb 27 @ 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Accessibility Bites: Video Accessibility

Session Description:

This is a short session to familiarize you with accessible video content. If you record lectures, make instructional videos or demonstrations, produce social media content, or create any other video content, this session is for you! 

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Evaluate video examples to identify accessibility issues 
  • Create a plan for creating accessible video content 
  • Apply the principles of integrated description to the video creation process 


  1. Watch an example video and discuss areas for improvement 
  2. Presentation on accessibility best practices when creating video content 
  3. Presentation on tips and advice for incorporating audio descriptions into your video content 
  4. Questions and answers 

Register Now!

This session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on By participating in this session, you acknowledge you are aware your participation will be recorded and the recording will be openly available.

About the Facilitator:

Your facilitator for this session will be Luke McKnight.  

Luke McKnight (he/his) is a digital accessibility specialist, an IAAP certified Accessible Document Specialist, and a Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies. Luke works at Langara College snəw̓eyəɬ leləm̓ in Vancouver and is in the Inclusive Design graduate program at OCAD University. Find more information about Luke at Digital A11y.