The BCcampus Research Fellows program provides support for B.C. post-secondary educators to conduct research on improving student learning and to share their results and experiences with peers in B.C. and beyond.

Project Lead/Fellow: Carol Burbee
Institution: Northern Lights College (NLC)
Project Title: Unsettling Curriculum: A New Course in FNST 100
Research description: Our research aim is to decolonizing and Indigenize FNST 100 as a community of practice engaged in curriculum-revision work. Four educators will come together as a community of practice: two NLC faculty members and two Education Assistant program alumni who represent Indigenous and non-Indigenous worldviews in the work. The project will be process-oriented, as we strive to decolonize and Indigenize the curriculum and pedagogical practices in FNST 100.
Research as a BCcampus Fellow: