After organizing and supporting a number of Liberating Structures initiatives for the past two years, we at BCcampus wanted to learn more about:
- How (and where) are people using Liberating Structures? How are they spreading?
- Are people finding Liberating Structures to be useful in their practice?
- What do people want next? If we are to continue to support Liberating Structures in B.C. PSE, what kind of supports are needed?
Post by Leva Lee and Tracy Roberts, Learning & Teaching, BCcampus

To do so, we surveyed the participants of our Liberating Structures workshops and events. We are pleased to share with you what we learned in this report.
Upcoming Liberating Structures Sessions:
- Boost your Facilitation Practice with Liberating Structures at Royal Roads University
At the Festival of Learning:
- Liberating Structures: Unleash and Include Everyone
- Design in Mind—Using Design Thinking for More than you can Imagine
- Convening a New Community of Practice: Reflection, Learning, and Mutuality
- Liberating Structures Meet-up
- Liberating the Webinar: Virtually Unleashing Everyone with Liberating Structures
Learn more:
- BCcampus walks the talk with Liberating Structures
- Opening the flow of learning with Liberating Structures
Join us for an upcoming event:
Open Education Week Events – Mar. 5-8, 2018
Vancouver Liberating Structures User Group Meeting – Mar. 14, 2018
Pressbooks Training Webinar – Intro + Intermediate 1 – Apr. 16, 2018
Vancouver Liberating Structures User Group Meeting – Apr. 24, 2018
Boost your Facilitation Practice with Liberating Structures – Apr. 25 – 26, 2018
Facilitator Development Online (FDO) – May 7 – 18, 2018
Festival of Learning 2018 – May 28 – 30, 2018
To stay informed with BCcampus by signing up for our newsletter, visiting our calendar and following @BCcampus on Twitter.