Adapting to COVID-19: Being Trauma-Informed and Building Resilience during COVID-19

Note: This session has passed. Click here to view recordings and other resources from this event.


This event is intended for faculty and staff of B.C. public post-secondary institutions

About the Session:

We are experiencing an event with traumatic implications on a global level during COVID-19. Faculty, staff, and students are all attempting to identify coping strategies and to maneuver through the stressors related to the pandemic, school, work, and their personal lives.

During this webinar, we will discuss the impact of trauma, what it is to be trauma-informed and how to integrate approaches from trauma-informed practice in order for members of our college/university community to identify coping strategies that will work for them.

Additional resources will be shared for consideration after the webinar.


Nancy is the Director of the Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, an NGO research and knowledge exchange centre hosted by BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre in Vancouver. In that role, she leads knowledge translation, network development, and research related to improving policy and service provision on gender and women’s health. Nancy has co-led system change initiatives, and co-developed toolkits, training curricula, and guidelines on ‘trauma-informed practice’ with agencies and governments across Canada. Dedicated to connecting across distance, cultures, and sectors, Nancy is a catalyst for bringing knowledge to practice and policy, to make social change.

Betty is a Nurse Educator at Camosun College. Betty teaches both clinical and theory classes in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing collaborative program across the first five terms. Betty’s nursing background includes nursing in perinatal and women’s health, nursing internationally and in rural and urban settings in B.C. Betty has taught in the perinatal nursing specialty and as a consultant provided provincial workshops focused on health responses to violence against women, trauma- and violence-informed health care, and incorporating woman-centered care into nursing. Betty’s teaching and nursing practice are grounded in social justice, advocacy, and supporting resiliency and self-efficacy in the classroom.

Lenora is a Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Victoria. In her role as Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs and Partnerships, she supports students related to program retention and progression issues and faculty related to the development of teaching strategies that are supportive and engaging. Lenora’s program of research on the issue of substance use during pregnancy and early parenting integrates trauma-informed approaches across point of care, program development, and policy perspectives.