OER Production Series: Advanced Pressbooks

About the Session:

OER Production SeriesThis event is a part of the OER Production Series and represents part two of our exploration of Pressbooks, an online self-publishing tool available to all post-secondary faculty and staff in B.C. and the Yukon. This webinar will explore various advanced features of Pressbooks. Attendees will get to see a Pressbooks web book edited in real time to demonstrate complex Pressbooks topics in a hands-on way. Topics included are basic H5P, LaTeX, adding users and user roles, internal links and anchors, footnotes, the glossary tool, importing content, and custom styles. To view the other events in this series, visit OER Production Series.

Register now!

This session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on BCcampus.ca. By participating in this session, you acknowledge you are aware your participation will be recorded and the recording will be openly available.

About the Facilitator:

Arianna Cheveldave (she/her) is a coordinator on the Open Education Team at BCcampus. Since 2019, she has contributed publications to Pressbooks, and has picked up some valuable skills along the way. Arianna enjoys sharing her expertise and addressing inquiries about Pressbooks through open@bccampus.ca