Accessibility Bites: Alternative Format Creation

*Note: This session has passed. Please view the recording and resources below.

Session Description:  

Join us for a short drop-in session to explore how alternative format textbooks and course materials are provided to students. You will also gain valuable tips on how to improve the accessibility of your classroom materials. 


  1. Introduction to the Accessible British Columbia Act and how course materials are addressed in the education standards from other jurisdictions 
  2. Presentation on the accessibility features of alternative format course materials 
  3. Examples of common accessibility issues in course materials and how they cause problems for assistive technologies 
  4. Question and answer period.  

To view the other events in this series, visit Accessibility Bites. To access resources and watch previous Accessibility Bites webinars, visit

About the Facilitator

Your Facilitator for this session will be Jennifer Weldon. 

Jennifer (she/her) is the accessibility librarian at the Centre for Accessible Post-secondary Education Resources BC (CAPER-BC). CAPER-BC provides accessible learning and teaching materials to students and instructors at post-secondary institutions in B.C. who cannot use conventional print because of disabilities. Jennifer is responsible for outreach activities, providing accessibility training to faculty at post-secondary institutions, and for overseeing special projects. 

Recording and Resources