FLO Lab: Anti-racism in Education: Strategies for Teaching in Post-Secondary Education

*Note: This session has passed.

About the Session:

Post-secondary institutions are thought of as progressive, democratic places for innovative thinking, but this doesn’t mean they’re immune to racism, marginalization, and exclusion (Bhopal, 2022; Henry et al., 2017). In this three-hour Facilitation Learning Online (FLO) experiential session, you will explore the roots of systemic racism in post-secondary spaces and engage in discussions about how to create anti-racist spaces for teaching and learning. This session will also allow time for reflection and co-creation of strategies that focus on anti-racism. It is suitable for participants who are already exploring their teaching and/or course design practices and those beginning their journey in reflection and anti-racism.FLO Lab logo 2023

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of the session, you will be able to:

  • Explain historical and current-day realities of various forms of anti-racism.
  • Discuss systemic barriers to fostering anti-racist teaching and learning environments.
  • Share strategies, resources, and practices to identify and implement anti-racism in teaching and learning environments.

Facilitator Biography:

Randeep Nota (she/her) is a learning experience designer at the University of Victoria, where she supports educators with developing and delivering courses in various modes — face-to-face, online, hybrid, etc. Randeep’s work experience also includes providing senior-level academic leadership to undergraduate, diploma, and graduate programs in Ontario with respect to program reviews. She has taught in business administration and policy-focused undergraduate and continuing education programs. Randeep is completing her PhD at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto, where she is examining equity and educational policy within and for post-secondary education in Canada.


  1. Bhopal. K. (2022, February 2). Black and minority ethnic experiences in higher education: Social justice, inclusion and white privilege [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0rCMbl8aOA
  2. Henry, F., Dua, E., James, C. E., Kobayashi, A., Li, P., Ramos, H., & Smith, M. S. (2017). Introduction: Setting the context. In F. Henry, E. Dua, C. E. James, A. Kobayashi, P. Li, H. Ramos, H., and M. S. Smith (Eds.), The equity myth: Racialization and indigeneity at Canadian universities (pp. 3–23). UBC Press.