BCcampus plays a critical role in enhancing B.C. public post-secondary education by facilitating and sharing innovative teaching and learning approaches on behalf of students and educators and in support of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills mandate. As an organization, we identify and cultivate sector-wide efficiencies by providing opportunities and mechanisms to enhance collaboration, openness, and transparency.

The BCcampus Strategic Plan was developed in several phases in consultation with our interest holders. We conducted an environmental analysis, disseminated a survey to our wider audience and held focus groups to gain insights.

The resulting strategy reflects the priorities and aspirations of our community and BCcampus’ direction over the next three years. The strategic plan objectives are supported by internal strategies and key activities to help achieve and measure the outcomes.

Strategic Plan Themes and Objectives

Building Relationships and Communities

  • We will broaden and strengthen connections, relationships, and strategic partnerships in alignment with our mandate
  • We will encourage cross-institutional collaboration and sharing

Advancing Teaching and Learning Practices

  • We will foster a culture of curiosity and continuous learning in the B.C. post-secondary system
  • We will promote the use and sharing of open educational technologies, resources, and practices to contribute to more affordable, sustainable, and accessible learning experiences for students and educators

Supporting Organizational Excellence

  • We will be a responsive, reflective, and learning organization that provides value to the B.C. post-secondary sector now and in the future
  • We will continue to foster an inclusive workplace that provides equitable opportunities and a positive, flexible work culture while promoting collaboration and professional development