FLO Friday: Navigating Authenticity and Anonymity in Your Online Identity

*Note: This session has passed. Please view the resources and recordings below.

Session Description:

This workshop explores the digital well-being competency in the B.C. Post-Secondary Digital Literacy Framework, which discusses the need to be aware of your digital identity and intentional about creating and managing your online identity. But doing so requires a constant tension between authenticity and anonymity. You want to present your true self but also be cautious about interacting with others. This workshop is designed to explore these challenges and uncover shared insights into striking a balance in a way that aligns with your values and goals.

In this FLO Friday session, you will:

  • Explore different aspects of online identity and how they impact self-image.
  • Navigate the push and pull between authenticity and anonymity in your online identity.
  • Develop strategies for managing your online identity in a way that supports your values and goals.

About the Facilitator:

Taruna Goel (she/her) is a learning and development professional with 25 years of experience in adult education, workplace training, and performance improvement. She has designed custom learning experiences (classroom, e-learning, and blended) for Fortune 500 companies, government organizations, and industry associations in Canada and abroad. She currently works with North Pacific in Vancouver, where she designs competency-based occupational standards, certification, and assessment frameworks. She specializes in designing prior learning recognition (RPL/PLAR) programs for technical and non-technical occupations. Taruna is also an instructor at the University of Victoria and a FLO facilitator with BCcampus. In the courses she facilitates, she combines her knowledge of adult learning principles and her extensive industry experience to build bridges between theory and application. She is a lifelong learner and believes that the teacher and the learner reside within each of us. Beyond her professional pursuits, Taruna finds solace in nature walks and expresses her creative side as a hobbyist photographer.

X: @write2tg
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tarunagoel/
Blog: http://tarunagoel.blogspot.ca/

Resources and Recordings