FLO Friday: Teaching and learning with ChatGPT: Navigating the Landscape

*Note: This session has passed. Please view the resources and recordings below.

Embark on a lively journey through the maze of ChatGPT in this interactive virtual session. As powerful AI technologies advance, it’s important for educators, learning designers, and stakeholders to critically examine their potential in shaping the future of education and the concerns inherent in their use. In this session we’ll look at how ChatGPT can increase student engagement and transform learning experiences, and we’ll examine ethical concerns like bias, privacy, and copyright.

Learning OutcomesFLO Friday logo

By the end of this workshop, we will:

  • Investigate the capabilities of ChatGPT for enhancing student engagement and educational outcomes.
  • Participate in discussions on the ethical challenges of ChatGPT in education, including bias, privacy, equity, and copyright issues.
  • Discuss strategies for implementing ChatGPT responsibly and ethically while maximizing its benefits for students.
  • Determine key questions that should be asked as ChatGPT continues to evolve, ensuring its conscientious and effective use in higher education.

Facilitator biography:

Lucas Wright is a senior educational consultant at the University of British Columbia, where he specializes in learning technology and its role in enhancing and supporting teaching and learning. With a deep understanding of educational technology, Lucas has helped faculty understand and navigate emerging tools, ensuring their effective and responsible use in the classroom.

Resources and Recordings: