FLO Panel: Accessibility in Post-Secondary Education – A B.C. Perspective

*Note: This session has passed. Please view the resources and recording below.

About the Webinar:

The Government of British Columbia passed the Accessible British Columbia Act in 2021. It provides a framework to identify, remove, and prevent barriers to accessibility. The law is an important step to make B.C. a more accessible province.  

This panel will have a conversation about the implementation of the Accessible B.C. Act in post-secondary settings. Covering a range of topics from the creation of accessibility committees to inclusive design principles, and from fostering feedback mechanisms to addressing access gaps, the panel will discuss concerns important to students, instructors, and post-secondary service providers. We hope to shed light on the challenges arising during the implementation of this new legislation and work towards creating an inclusive and accessible future for post-secondary education.   

The moderator for the panel discussion is Dr. Seanna Takacs. Seanna (she/her) is a faculty member in Accessibility Services at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. With a background in advancing Universal Design for Learning and accessible and inclusive pedagogy, she has led initiatives across British Columbia including with BCcampus. Additionally, she is co-chair of the Accessibility and Inclusion Community of Practice for the Canadian Association of Colleges and University Student Services and a member of the leadership team of the B.C. Community of Practice in Accessibility.  


Latham Antonnissen (he/him) recently graduated with honors from the Foundations in Design program and is preparing to start his bachelor’s degree in interior design at the Wilson School of Design. His achievements have earned him an entrance scholarship and early admission to the program. Born and raised in Vancouver, the city’s diversity and natural beauty have deeply influenced his creative perspective. As a proud member of the LGBTQIA2S+ community and someone who identifies as neurodivergent, Latham integrates these perspectives into his design work, aiming to create spaces reflecting and respecting diverse experiences. When not engaged in his studies or creative projects, he enjoys hiking, drawing, and videography. His goal is to fuse theory and practice in interior design, enhancing environments for all people.  

Katelyn Watson (she/her) is a second-year psychology student at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU), working towards pursuing a career in social work or clinical psychology. Growing up with chronic illness, pain, and disability, Katelyn is aware of the immense impact of (in)accessibility at all levels of education. It is through her lived experience that she has recognized her passion for research and advocacy, specifically related to accessibility in higher education and pediatric chronic pain. In recent years, Katelyn has worked as a research assistant, examining the accessibility of admissions policies and procedures at post-secondary institutions in B.C., and is also a member of KPU’s Accessibility Committee, helping create the institution’s first accessibility plan in accordance with the Accessible British Columbia Act.  

Kyle Baillie (he/his) is the executive director of student affairs at the University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford, B.C. on the traditional territory of the Sto:lo people. Kyle received his doctorate in 2022 from the University of Kansas, where his research studied secondary trauma, resilience, and perceived organizational support in Canadian student affairs professionals. Pairing this with more than 23 years in the student affairs field, Kyle seeks to bring theory and practice together as a scholar-practitioner, using data to support students and colleagues. When he is not at work, he is partner to Ali, and dog dad to Fergus, a senior French bulldog. He plays the bagpipes, loves old Volkswagens, and skis when there is snow. 

Lisa DeWinter is the Student Success Centre manager at the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (NVIT). She oversees student supports within the full learner cycle at both the Merritt and Burnaby campuses, including all in-community programs. She worked for 10 years as the senior inclusion facilitator with the B.C. Initiative for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education under STEPs Forward with NVIT. As a former student earning a Master of Social Work, Lisa has seen the opportunities NVIT provides graduates, young adults, parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents to explore their potential as students and also as future leaders of their communities. Lisa strives to make a positive impact in her work at NVIT by providing advocacy, support, and guidance to students. Outside of her work and volunteering, she can be found with her family or on the land, where she recharges and finds inspiration.