To promote B.C. post-secondary educators and students who are committed to exploring and improving student learning and who are eager to conduct and share their research.

Project Leads/Fellows: Leanne Kelly and Christina Chakanyuka
Institution: University of Victoria
Project Title: File of uncertainties: identifying themes and issues that act as barriers and supports when incorporating decolonizing and anti-racist knowledge into nursing practice with Indigenous clients
Research description: Leanne Kelly and Christina Chakanyuka from the School of Nursing at the University of Victoria are investigating the specific themes and issues that act as barriers and supports when incorporating decolonizing and anti-racist knowledge into nursing practice with Indigenous clients.

In their submission, Leanne and Christina explained, “As nurse educators, we know that student nurses are taking the necessary theory courses to learn culturally safe nursing practice. We are less knowledgeable about how students incorporate this knowledge and information and build it into their practical experience. The results of this project will assist in developing instructional strategies that enhance understanding and praxis of the knowledge for the benefit of both service providers and clients.”
Research as BCcampus Fellows:
Research Reels: